The difference between integer, real number, natural number and rational number? What are integers and include 0? What is a real number and does it include circular decimals? What are rational numbers and irrational numbers? What is natural number and whether it includes 0

The difference between integer, real number, natural number and rational number? What are integers and include 0? What is a real number and does it include circular decimals? What are rational numbers and irrational numbers? What is natural number and whether it includes 0

A number can be divided into integer part and decimal part. For example, in 3.14, 3 is integer part and 14 is decimal part
An integer is an integer, a number with a decimal part of 0, such as 3, - 5, 0, etc
Real number is one of all the points on the number axis, such as 5.5, 0.11111111, root 2, etc
Rational numbers are divided into infinite circular decimals, finite decimals and integers
There are two versions of natural numbers, including 0 or not
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