Find Lim x → 0 [x * (Cotx) - 1] / (x ^ 2) Thank you for the answer to this question. Urgent, online, etc.! ~ not many points, forgive me!

Find Lim x → 0 [x * (Cotx) - 1] / (x ^ 2) Thank you for the answer to this question. Urgent, online, etc.! ~ not many points, forgive me!

First change Cotx into cosx / SiNx, then lobida = (xcosx SiNx) / (x ^ 2sinx) 0 / 0 lobida = (cosx xsinx cosx) / (2xsinx + x ^ 2cosx) = - xsinx / [x (2sinx + xcosx)] = - SiNx / (2sinx + xcosx) 0 / 0 lobida = - cosx / (2cosx + cosx xsinx) substitute x = 0 = - 1 / 3