We know that a full score of 100 points, 60 points for pass, 80 points for excellent. College entrance examination mathematics paper full score of 150 points, then at least how many points for pass, one We know that a full score of 100 is a pass, 60 is a pass, and 80 is an excellent. A full score of 150 is a pass. At least how many points is a pass? A classmate has 117, is he excellent

We know that a full score of 100 points, 60 points for pass, 80 points for excellent. College entrance examination mathematics paper full score of 150 points, then at least how many points for pass, one We know that a full score of 100 is a pass, 60 is a pass, and 80 is an excellent. A full score of 150 is a pass. At least how many points is a pass? A classmate has 117, is he excellent

150 × (60 △ 100) = 150 × 60% = 90 (points) at least 90 points is considered as passing
150 × (80 / 100) = 150 × 80% 120 (points) 117 < 120, is he excellent or not