Some of them help me to find out all the calculation formulas and laws of physics in senior one,

Some of them help me to find out all the calculation formulas and laws of physics in senior one,

The physical formula of the first year of senior high school summarizes uniform circular motion 1. Linear velocity v = s / T = 2 π R / T 2. Angular velocity ω = Φ / T = 2 π / T = 2 π f 3. Centripetal acceleration a = V2 / r = ω 2R = (2 π / T) 2R 4. Centripetal force fcenter = MV2 / r = m ω 2R = m (2 π / T) 2R 5. Period and frequency t = 1 / F 6. Relationship between angular velocity and linear velocity v = ω r 7