Liquid pressure formula P = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S There is no problem, but the next step is p = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S = meat GH My question is: Meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S is also v = sh, in other words, this formula should only be used in regular container liquid pressure, in other words, if the liquid is in irregular container liquid (such as cone), it can not be used But the teacher said it was universal, Note: the so-called liquid pressure is only related to height and liquid density, which is derived from P = GH, so this definition can not be used to explain this formula If the secondary formula is correct, according to P = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S = meat GH, it can also be deduced that the pressure of solid is also related to height and density, in other words, it has nothing to do with volume and bottom area! According to you, it's liquid pressure: P = f / s But the solid pressure is also p = f / s In other words, as long as the formula is applicable to liquid pressure, it must also be applicable to solid pressure But the formula of fact doesn't work! Also, for example, put a piece of wood in a container with half a cup of water, and find out the pressure change of water on the bottom According to P = meat GH, we find that meat G is constant, h is larger and pressure is larger But according to P = f / S = g / S = mg / s, m, G and s are constant, so the pressure is constant The two contradict each other Ask for advice

Liquid pressure formula P = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S There is no problem, but the next step is p = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S = meat GH My question is: Meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S is also v = sh, in other words, this formula should only be used in regular container liquid pressure, in other words, if the liquid is in irregular container liquid (such as cone), it can not be used But the teacher said it was universal, Note: the so-called liquid pressure is only related to height and liquid density, which is derived from P = GH, so this definition can not be used to explain this formula If the secondary formula is correct, according to P = f / S = g / S = mg / S = meat VG / S = meat SHSG / S = meat GH, it can also be deduced that the pressure of solid is also related to height and density, in other words, it has nothing to do with volume and bottom area! According to you, it's liquid pressure: P = f / s But the solid pressure is also p = f / s In other words, as long as the formula is applicable to liquid pressure, it must also be applicable to solid pressure But the formula of fact doesn't work! Also, for example, put a piece of wood in a container with half a cup of water, and find out the pressure change of water on the bottom According to P = meat GH, we find that meat G is constant, h is larger and pressure is larger But according to P = f / S = g / S = mg / s, m, G and s are constant, so the pressure is constant The two contradict each other Ask for advice

Your teacher is right. You are confused. Generally speaking, the liquid pressure is the pressure produced by the liquid on the wall of the container, so it is only related to the density and height (that is, the pressure produced by the same liquid on the wall at the same height is the same) and has nothing to do with the shape of the container. The solid pressure refers to the pressure on the contact surface (such as the ground). The two concepts are different