Derivation of several effective value calculation formulas of alternating current Sinusoidal alternating current U = um / √ 2, Sinusoidal half wave alternating current U = um / 2, Sinusoidal unidirectional pulsating current U = um / √ 2, Rectangular pulsating current U = √ (T / T) um, Asymmetric alternating current √ (1 / 2 * (U1 ^ 2 + U2 ^ 2))

Derivation of several effective value calculation formulas of alternating current Sinusoidal alternating current U = um / √ 2, Sinusoidal half wave alternating current U = um / 2, Sinusoidal unidirectional pulsating current U = um / √ 2, Rectangular pulsating current U = √ (T / T) um, Asymmetric alternating current √ (1 / 2 * (U1 ^ 2 + U2 ^ 2))

1. Effective value of sine half wave alternating current
If the half wave alternating current as shown in the figure is added to the resistance R, the heat generated after one cycle is equal to 1 / 2 of the full wave alternating current, i.e
2. RMS of sinusoidal unidirectional pulsating current
Because the thermal effect of the current has nothing to do with the direction of the current, so
3. RMS of rectangular pulsating current
When it is connected to the resistance, the heat generated in one cycle is equivalent to 1 / 2 of the heat generated by direct current,
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