In Cartesian coordinates, the distance from the point P (- 1, (√ 3) / 2) to the origin o is

In Cartesian coordinates, the distance from the point P (- 1, (√ 3) / 2) to the origin o is

Square of abscissa + square of ordinate and root

The distance from P to (2,0) (0,2) is equal to the square of the distance from P to the origin?

The circle with radius 1 of center (2,2)

A point in the plane rectangular coordinate system is not on the coordinate axis. How to calculate the distance to the origin? Thank you

Set point a (x, y)
The distance to the origin is: √ (X & # 178; + Y & # 178;)

If point a is on the straight line y = 2x - 3 and the distance between point a and two coordinate axes is equal, then point a must be in the first or fourth quadrant
Is this a true proposition or a false proposition

If the distance between point a and two coordinate axes is equal, then point a must be on the straight line y = x or y = - X. drawing shows that the intersection of y = 2x-3 and the two straight lines is in the fourth or first quadrant. Therefore, true proposition!