How many days have passed since April 5, 2014 to July 28, 2011

How many days have passed since April 5, 2014 to July 28, 2011

There are 983 days from 0:00 on July 28, 2011 to 24:00 on April 5, 2014!

How many days, minutes and seconds have passed from December 6, 2012 to February 23, 2014

444 days, 639360 minutes, 38361600 seconds
The program calculation is accurate

How many days are there from May 14, 2012 to July 14, 2014


If December 31, 2009 is Thursday, December 31, 2012 is () a, Monday B, Tuesday C and Thursday
D. Friday

The difference between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2012 is three years, and 2012 is a leap year, so there are a total of 2 × 365 + 366 = 1096 days, a week has 7 days, that is to say, a cycle is 7 days, with 1096 △ 7 = 156 more than 4 days, so using Thursday plus four days is a Monday election