How many days are there from May 25, 1990 to June 25, 2014

How many days are there from May 25, 1990 to June 25, 2014

8797 days, and 8798 days for both days
The program calculation is accurate

How many days did I live from May 13, 1994 to June 5, 2014

May 13, 1994 - June 5, 2014
By day, 7328 days
On a monthly basis, 240 months and 23 days
By week, 1046 weeks and 6 days

How many days are there from February 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014? Please help to calculate accurately

There are two years from February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2014, in which 2012 is a leap year
From February 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014, a total of August, including January, March and April
365 × 2 + 1 + 28 + 30 × 3 + 31 × 4 = 973 (days)

November 3, 2014 is Monday. In 21 days, what day is it? December 3, 2014 is what day is it
