Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake 600 words. Describe the story between people

Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake 600 words. Describe the story between people

From yesterday to today, time goes by. Every minute, many people in the disaster area are facing the danger of death because of the lack of resources to rescue officers, soldiers and doctors, This place used to be a beautiful campus. Among the collapsed debris, a young face appeared in front of us. It was a little girl in grade one or two. After a day's burial, the little girl's face had turned black and yellow due to excessive hunger and lack of oxygen. Tears could be seen on her face, There is also the faint despair. The little girl's mouth is still open and close, but her voice is not heard in the video. I think the little girl cried and asked for help when she was buried in the ruins, and her voice has become hoarse. Seeing this little girl, I feel very sad. The earthquake in Sichuan has led to tens of thousands of people besieged in the ruins, They can't help themselves in the rubble. If the officers and soldiers don't rescue them in time, these people's lives will be in danger and oppressed by death. At this time, they just heard a loud cry: "there are people here!" a group of officers and soldiers came running and excitedly carried out the rescue work. The little girl's face was filled with joy and cried out: "come and help me!" one officer and soldier lowered his head, She said to the little girl, "little sister, we are saving you. Don't talk, stay well and wait for us patiently!" the little girl stopped talking obediently and looked at the officers and soldiers eagerly. Because the little girl is in the inner layer of the ruins, if some rescue machines are used, the ruins may collapse again and endanger the little girl's life. If the machines can't be used, the officers and soldiers will form a circle, It's one o'clock in the morning. These officers and men have rescued many collapse sites and are already tired. However, as long as they relax for a second, the people trapped under the ruins may face the danger of death! For the sake of the people affected by the disaster, they should be tired, It's nothing at all. The officers and soldiers are holding the belief that "one second earlier, one more person may be saved". They are constantly rescuing the affected people. At this time, the debris around the little girl is finally cleared up by the officers and soldiers, and the little girl is successfully rescued
The 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan has shocked the world, and the fate of the people in the disaster area has also affected the hearts of 1.3 billion Chinese people. After the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, the China Earthquake Administration has launched a level I plan. The national earthquake disaster emergency rescue team, composed of 12 people from the China Earthquake Administration, 150 people from an engineering corps of the Beijing Military Region and 22 people from the General Hospital of the Chinese people's armed police, has successively rushed to the disaster area, The Chinese air force today sent 22 military transport planes to deliver more than 6000 airborne soldiers and four command vehicles to the earthquake stricken areas in Sichuan Province to carry out the earthquake relief tasks in Mianzhu, Anxian and Beichuan. The Ministry of civil affairs also urgently allocated 25000 relief tents to support the disaster stricken areas in Sichuan Province, Other relief materials are being mobilized and transported. People from all walks of life, Chinese enterprises and Red Cross Society of China are also assisting Sichuan
In the face of disaster, unity is strength. When 1.3 billion Chinese people are shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and heart to heart, any difficulty is temporary and any disaster can be overcome

Sichuan (Wenchuan and other areas) earthquake occurred in 2008 a few days, when?

The Wenchuan earthquake, also known as the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, occurred at 14:27:59.5 on May 12, 2008 (Monday), Beijing time (UTC + 8). The epicenter is located at the junction of Yingxiu town and Xuankou Town, Wenchuan County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China, and 79km West northwest of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province

Causes of earthquake, landslide and debris flow

Earthquake is the constant change of the inner crust, which causes the deformation, fracture and dislocation of the crustal strata. Debris flow: steep terrain convenient for water collection and material collection; abundant loose material; large amount of water resources in a short time. Landslide: earthquake, rainfall scouring, soaking, scouring the slope toe; unreasonable human engineering activities