It is known that March 1, 2001 is Wednesday, so what day is May 1, 2001? Please explain

It is known that March 1, 2001 is Wednesday, so what day is May 1, 2001? Please explain

March is 31 days, April is 30 days
There are 61 days from March 2 to May 1
So: the remainder of Wednesday + (61 / 7) = Monday
But actually, March 1, 2001 is actually a Thursday, so may 1, 2001 is a Tuesday

It is known that new year's day in 2008 is Tuesday. What day is new year's day in 2009
The answer is to add 2 weeks and 4 weeks, but isn't 2009 a normal year? Shouldn't it add 1 and Wednesday

2008 is a leap year, so adding 2 has nothing to do with whether 2009 is a leap year
New year's day in 2009 is the first day of 2009, so we should consider 2008 instead of 2009

New year's day in 2008 is Tuesday, so may 1, 2008 is the day of the week

January has 31 days
February has 29 days (2008 is a leap year)
March has 31 days
April has 30 days
31 + 29 + 31 + 30 = 121
121 = 7×17 + 2
2 + 2 = 4

March 1st, 2001 is Wednesday. What day is May 1st, 2001

March is 31 days, April is 30 days
There are 61 days from March 2 to May 1
So: the remainder of Wednesday + (61 / 7) = Monday
But actually, March 1, 2001 is actually a Thursday, so may 1, 2001 is a Tuesday