June 24, 2011 is Friday. What day is June 24, 2012? The calculation process is required It should be Sunday, June 24, 2012. What day is June 24, 2013?

June 24, 2011 is Friday. What day is June 24, 2012? The calculation process is required It should be Sunday, June 24, 2012. What day is June 24, 2013?

There are 366 days from June 24, 2012 to June 24, 2013. Although 2012 is a leap year, one day more than usual, February has passed, and February 2013 is 28 days. So there are 365 + 1 = 366 days from June 24, 2012 to June 24, 2013. There are 7 days in a week. If you use 366 / 7 to get the remainder, you will get one more in 2013

How many days is August 7, 2011 from today's February 22, 2012?

24 days from August 7 to August 31, 2011; 30 days in September and November; 31 days in October, December and January 2012; 21 days from February 1 to 21, 2012; total: 198 days