How many days are there from February 8, 2010 to March 5, 2012?

How many days are there from February 8, 2010 to March 5, 2012?

20102011 is not a leap year, so first of all, from February 8, 2010 to February 7, 2012, after two years, a total of 365 * 2 = 730 days;
Then 2012 is a leap year, with 27 days from February 8 to March 5, 2012
So there are 730 + 27 = 757 days (including February 8 and March 5)

How many days are there from March 1, 2012 to August 18, 2012?

31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 18 = 171 days

How many days is it from March 13, 2009 to August 10, 2012

365 + 365 + 365 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 28 = 1245 days

How many days have passed from August 12, 2011 to February 12, 2012

31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 = 60 + 124 = 184 days
184 days later