Uncle Li deposited 100000 yuan in the bank this year, fixed for three years, with an annual interest rate of 5.40%. When it matures after three years, he deducted 5% of the interest tax, and the interest he got can be used to collect Do you want a 15000 yuan TV

Uncle Li deposited 100000 yuan in the bank this year, fixed for three years, with an annual interest rate of 5.40%. When it matures after three years, he deducted 5% of the interest tax, and the interest he got can be used to collect Do you want a 15000 yuan TV

=15390 yuan
Can I buy a 15000 yuan TV

If the annual interest rate of one-year fixed deposit of RMB is x, after one-year maturity, the bank will automatically transfer the principal and interest according to one-year fixed deposit, and withdraw when due
The bank will deduct 20% of the interest as the interest tax. Please write down the functional expression between the principal and interest y and the annual interest rate X when you deposit 10000 two years later


Aunt Li deposits 5000 yuan into the bank for three years, and gets back 5780 yuan of interest and principal at maturity. She asks for the annual interest rate? No interest tax

Annual interest rate = (5780-5000) △ 3 △ 5000 = 5.2%
If the annual interest rate is x, then
The annual interest rate is 5.2%

Aunt Wang deposited 3000 yuan into the bank for a fixed period of one year with an annual interest rate of 4.14%. After one year, she deducted 5% interest tax,
Aunt Wang will get () yuan interest

3000 × 4.14% = 124.2 (yuan) 124.2 × 95% = 117.99 yuan
A: Aunt Wang will get 117.99 yuan interest