What is the population and territory of Britain

What is the population and territory of Britain

Britain covers an area of 243600 square kilometers and has a population of 62 million
The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is composed of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is unified in a central government and head of state. Britain is located in the northwest of the European continent, and its native land is in the British Isles, surrounded by the North Sea, the English channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
Britain is the first industrialized country in the world. It is a multicultural and open-minded society

What is the size and population of the UK

243600 square kilometers (including inland waters), 130400 square kilometers in England, 78800 square kilometers in Scotland, 20800 square kilometers in Wales and 13600 square kilometers in Northern Ireland
About 58.84 million, including 49.18 million in England, 2.9 million in Wales, 5.06 million in Scotland and 1.69 million in Northern Ireland (mid-2001)

Brief introduction of Britain (population, land, area, etc.)

Capital London
London, the largest city
Total population: 60587300 (22nd in the world)
Population density: 246.5/km2 (33rd in the world)
Land area: 244820 square kilometers (78th in the world)
Water area rate: 1.3%
Political system constitutional monarchy
Head of state: King: Elizabeth II
Head of Government: Prime Minister: Gordon Brown
GDP: 2.661 trillion US dollars
GDP per capita: US $38624
HDI: 0.940 (high, 2006)
Central bank: Bank of England
Monetary unit: & pound;, GBP
Country code: GB, GBR
International domain name abbreviation. UK
International area code: + 44
Official language: English
Country profile:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (English: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Welsh: teyrnas unedig prydin fawra gogledd iwerddon; Scottish Gaelic: an R ì oghachd aonaichte Na breatain MH ò r AGUS Eirinn mu thuath; Irish: R í ocht aontai the Na breataine m ó ire AGUS thuaisceart & eacute; English: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Irish: R í ocht aontai the Na breataine m ó ire AGUS thuaisceart & eacute; English: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; English: United Kingdom; The United Kingdom or Britain is a European island country composed of England, Scotland and Wales on the island of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the northeast of Ireland
Britain is located in the British Isles in the northwest of the European continent, surrounded by the North Sea, the English channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

The countries that signed the Munich agreement to sell the Czech Republic to Germany do not include Britain B France C Germany D Austria

Austria, several other countries are involved. The Prime Minister of Britain is Chamberlain