Land area of South Korea What's the population of South Korea? What's the land area of our country Want the latest data First floor you're talking about Japan

Land area of South Korea What's the population of South Korea? What's the land area of our country Want the latest data First floor you're talking about Japan

The total population of South Korea is 50.087 million (according to the statistics in January 2010), and there are about 4 million foreigners in South Korea
It covers an area of 99600 square kilometers
It's not as big as Liaoning Province in China
Korea is very small
Broadcast news is: most of the country has rain or sunny. This. Less than 15 seconds
My poor family. They asked about Korea. What do you give Japan

What is the difference between China's land area and that of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy and Spain?

Britain: 244820 square kilometers France: 551602 square kilometers Germany: 357020 square kilometers Denmark: 43100 square kilometers Italy: 301333 square kilometers Spain: 505925 square kilometers total: 2003800 square kilometers China area: 9600000 square kilometers that is to say, China's national land area is larger than the above six

Comparison of land area among China, Japan, USA, UK, Australia, Russia, France, Italy and Brazil
Arrange from large to small

It should be
Russia, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, France, Japan, Italy, UK

What are the areas of Japan, France, Germany and Britain?

The following data are for reference only: Japan's land area is 377905 square kilometers. Japan is divided into eastern Kyoto, Hokkaido, Osaka Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture and 43 counties. As of March 31, 2006, there are 777 cities, 846 towns and 198 villages in dudaofu Prefecture, a total of 1821 cities, towns and villages. In addition, there are 23 special districts in Tokyo and 14 branches in Hokkaido, which are special local governments, The area of the four main islands is as follows: Hokkaido (an island in the north of Japan) 83000 square kilometers, Honshu (the island) 231000 square kilometers, Shikoku (the smallest of the four islands) 19000 square kilometers, Kyushu (an island in the south of Japan) 42000 square kilometers, and the area of France is 551 square kilometers, France is divided into 22 local regions, 96 provinces and 4 overseas provinces, 4 overseas territories and 2 local administrative regions with special status. There are 36000 cities and towns in China. The local area is 551602 square kilometers. The land area of Germany is 357022 square kilometers. The land area of Germany is 357022 square kilometers, including 16 states (lnder), Eight large states are subdivided into regierungsbezirke; all the administrative regions and the remaining eight states are divided into counties (kreise), which are divided into two types: rural counties (landkreise) and urban counties (kreisfreie stdte), or simply translated as counties and cities; below the counties are towns (gemeinden). The British native area is 242, The UK is divided into four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with a total area of 242910 square kilometers. Each part is divided into several counties (or districts) and cities