Singapore's land area! (unit: 10000 square kilometers!)

Singapore's land area! (unit: 10000 square kilometers!)

062.64 million square kilometers

Hunan Province land area how many square kilometers, population how many

There are 14 prefecture level administrative units (including 13 prefecture level cities and 1 autonomous prefecture) and 122 county-level administrative units (including 35 municipal districts, 16 county-level cities, 65 counties and 7 autonomous counties). The province covers an area of 218.29 million square kilometers, with a total population of 69.251 million and a permanent resident population of 65.68 million

Japan has an area of () square kilometers and a population of ()

Japan's land area is 377873 square kilometers, the whole territory is composed of four main islands, around which there are about 4000 small islands
As of October 1, 2008, the total population of Japan was 127.692 million

How many million square kilometers of land area