What is the largest country in the world?

What is the largest country in the world?

Population 1
Area 3

Top five countries in the world

Tag: talk about
1. Russia - 17075200
2. Canada - 9984670
3. China - 9.6 million
4. USA - 9372615
5. Brazil - 8511965
6. Australia - 7686850
7. India - 2981900
8. Argentina - 2766890
9. Kazakhstan - 2727300
10. Sudan - 2505810

Green area ranking of countries in the world
For all the big powers, there must be China

The forest coverage in the world: 67% in Japan, 64% in South Korea, 60% in Norway, 54% in Sweden, 50-60% in Brazil, 44% in Canada, 30% in Germany, 33% in the United States, 27% in France, 23% in India, and 16.5% in China. The global forests are mainly concentrated in South America, Russia, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. These four regions account for 60% of the world's forests, especially Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, The average forest coverage in the world is 22.0%, in North America 34%, in South America and Europe 30%, in Asia 15%, in the Pacific 10%, and in Africa only 6%
The continent with the most forests is Latin America, accounting for 24% of the world's forest area, with a forest coverage rate of 44%. Guyana, South America, has the highest forest coverage rate, reaching 97%; Egypt, Africa, has the lowest forest coverage rate, only one in 100000; and France has the fastest growth rate of forest coverage
According to the report of the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2001, the global forest has dropped from 3.96 billion hectares in 1990 to 3.8 billion hectares in 2000. Nearly ten million hectares of forests disappear every year
Although plantation increased by 3.1 million hectares annually from 1990 to 2000, tropical and non tropical natural forests decreased by 12.5 million hectares annually
South America has 21% of the world's forests and 45% of the world's tropical forests. Brazil alone accounts for 30% of the world's tropical forests. The country loses 2.3 million hectares of forests every year. According to the world food and Agriculture Organization, Brazil produced 103 million cubic meters of logs in 2000 alone
According to the report of the world food and Agriculture Organization, Russia had 850 million hectares of forest in 2000, accounting for 22% of the global total and 43% of the temperate forests in the world. The forest area of Russia remained stable in the 1990s, with almost no change. In 2000, it produced 105 million cubic meters of industrial logs
Central Africa has 8% of the world's forests and 16% of the world's tropical forests. In 1990, the total forest area reached 330 million hectares, and in 2000, the total forest area was 311 million hectares, with an average annual decrease of 1.9 million hectares in 10 years
Southeast Asia has 10% of the world's tropical forests. In 1990, the forest area was 235 million hectares, and in 2000, the forest area was 212 million hectares, with an average annual reduction of 2.33 million hectares in 10 years. Compared with other regions in the world, the forest resources in this region disappear faster
China has a vast territory, few forest resources, low forest cover rate and great regional differences. The vast majority of forest resources in China are concentrated in the northeast, southwest and other remote mountain areas, Taiwan mountains and Southeast hills, while the vast northwest region is poor in forest resources. The national average forest cover rate is 12.0%, of which Taiwan Province is the highest, The forest coverage rate is over 30% in Fujian (62.9%), Jiangxi (60.5%), Zhejiang (60.5%), Heilongjiang, Hunan and Jilin, over 20% in Guangdong, Liaoning, Yunnan, Guangxi, Shaanxi and Hubei, over 10% in Guizhou, Anhui, Sichuan and Inner Mongolia, and less than 10% in other provinces, cities and autonomous regions, while less than 1% in Xinjiang and Qinghai

What is the world's largest land area in China
Why are there and multiple versions of

According to China's official data released at present is the third, second only to Russia, Canada
But according to international practice, it is based on the actual control of territory. If this is calculated, China ranks fourth behind the United States, because the data released by the State Department of the United States is more than 9.6 million (which is different from the data released by the Chinese government). But there is a "treaty" in China's territorial area, which we all know, and only China has in the world, The reason is that there are still many territorial disputes with neighboring countries. In some places, China claims sovereignty but has no actual control. For example, in the territorial dispute between China and India (Southern Tibet), the McMahon line is more than 12 square kilometers, India actually controls 90000, while China actually controls more than 30000, In addition, Taiwan is not under actual control. Accurate data will only be released at an appropriate time after these problems are solved