What day is June 12, 2006? How to calculate? This is a question for primary school to junior high school. Who knows how to do it? Please tell me in detail. Thank you!

What day is June 12, 2006? How to calculate? This is a question for primary school to junior high school. Who knows how to do it? Please tell me in detail. Thank you!

Today is Monday. The number of days from June 12, 2006 to today is 18 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 29 + 31 + 7 = 665
The remainder of 665 divided by 7 is 0, June 12, 2006, which is also Monday
In a normal year, there are 365 days, and the remainder of 365 / 7 is 1. Therefore, today is Monday, next year is today's Wednesday (next year's leap year, February has 29 days, otherwise it is Tuesday). Last year's today is Sunday (this year's normal year, February has 28 days, otherwise it is Saturday)
General formula:
W = [Y-1] + [(Y-1)/4] - [(Y-1)/100] + [(Y-1)/400] + D
Y is the number of years, D is the cumulative number of days in the year, that is, the day of the year
The best way to use this formula is to use the following formula:
W = [C/4] - 2C + y + [y/4] + [13 * (M+1) / 5] + d - 1
C is the number of centuries minus one, y is the last two digits of the year, M is the month, and D is the number of days
14 months, then C and y are based on the value of the previous year
In the two formulas, [...] means to take only the integral part of the calculated result. When the calculated W is divided by 7, what is the remainder
Is the day of the week. If the remainder is 0, it is Sunday

June 1, 2014 is Sunday, so October 1, 2014 is the day of the week


What day is July 19, 2014

It's Saturday

In 2014, January 19 is a Sunday, February 5, 2014 is a day

1. January 19, 2014 is Sunday,
Calculation method: 19 + coefficient 2 = 21 divided by 7, that is, Sunday
2. February 5, 2014 is Wednesday,
Calculation method: No.5 + coefficient 5 = 10 ÷ 7 = 1.3, that is, Wednesday (less than 7 is the remainder)

It is known that September 30, 2014 is Tuesday. What day is January 1, 2014?


Today is July 1st, 2014, so what day is the next three days in 2014?

Guo Dunyong replied:
July 1, 2014 is Tuesday,
The next three days after July 1, 2014 are Monday

What day is May 27, 2014


What day is May 13th, 2014


What day is Sunday, June 1st and August 1st?

Sunday, June 1st, and Thursday, August 1st

May 8, 2008 is a Thursday, while July 26 is a day of the week

Saturday. Check the calendar