What are the geographical factors

What are the geographical factors

Geographical factors refer to the pathogenic effects of different regions, topography, geology, water, soil and customs on human body
Geographical environment is a factor that can not be ignored. Its influence on the historical development of human society can not be underestimated

What are the factors of physical geography and economic geography?
Such as the title
What kind of transportation?

Physical and geographical factors, such as climate, topography, topography, water source, river, soil and vegetation
Economic and geographical factors, also known as social factors, such as: national policy, economic development, population density, population quality, land price, technological level, traffic accessibility, financial situation... Should also be specific to the topic
Is traffic natural? Of course not. Think about it for yourself. Of course it's a social factor. In other words, I just finished the college entrance examination, and I haven't touched books for more than a month. I forgot such an important point. Besides, traffic~

What are the elements of physical geography

Five elements: topography (Geology and geomorphology)
Climate (climate types and characteristics)
Soil (soil type, fertile or poor)
Vegetation (natural zone, vegetation coverage)
Hydrology (river runoff, seasonal and interannual variation of runoff, sediment concentration, spring and summer flood, whether there is ice age and ice flood, length of ice age)

What are the five elements of physical geography

Topography, climate, hydrology, soil, vegetation

Is sunshine a natural geographical element? What is it?
The elements of geographical environment are (d)
A. Soil hydrology animal forest
B. Sunshine atmosphere soil topography
C. Hydrology soil air sunshine land
D. Topography climate soil hydrology
Analysis: AC can be excluded because animals and organisms, land and soil have duplication
But what's wrong with B?

Sunshine and atmosphere are common physical concepts; climate is a geographical term, the main indicators are temperature and precipitation; a decisive factor of temperature is the intensity of sunlight; the intensity of sunlight has many decisive factors (such as latitude, terrain, etc.) the five elements of geographical environment, also can be said that five circles, each circle

What knowledge does human geography include

The human geography knowledge of Grade 11 is distributed in four units of the second volume of the senior one textbook (Compulsory) and five units of the second volume of the senior two textbook (limited to the first volume), including agricultural geography, industrial geography, transportation geography, environmental geography, population geography, urban (settlement) geography, cultural geography and tourism geography

What are the contents of Geography in the 2012 birthplace examination?

I'm going to live, too
The main thing to remember is that Brazil and Australia should remember together
The United States and Russia record Egypt and France together==
Highlights of Western Europe
Biology experiment and some typical topics

What are the contents of geographical knowledge and ability

It is divided into humanity and nature. Humanity is agriculture, residence, clothing, customs and so on. Nature is climate, terrain, soil, hydrology and so on

What are the characteristics of physical geography
What factors are included in the physical and geographical characteristics? Take the southeast coast of China as an example to illustrate the following,
Can you explain what factors are involved first,

To summarize the geographical characteristics of a region, there are mainly the following factors: climate, hydrology, topography, vegetation and soil. Take the southeast coast of China as an example: the southeast coast of China is dominated by monsoon climate, the north is temperate monsoon climate, and the south is subtropical monsoon climate. The terrain is mainly plain and hilly, with more rivers and faster flow speed. The vegetation is mainly deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved forest, The results show that the soil is brown soil, red soil, yellow soil or latosol red soil. The monsoon climate is obvious in the eastern monsoon region, the temperature change is less than that in the central and western regions, and the precipitation is mainly concentrated in summer

What are the features of physical geography?

I remember this before: terrain, climate, soil, water, resources
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