Geographical location analysis and location factors

Geographical location analysis and location factors

First analyze the location: longitude + latitude
Then there is the climate: temperature + precipitation
Then there is water: the distribution of rivers, hydrological characteristics, etc
Then there is land: soil + terrain
Then there are natural resources
The above is the natural location, as well as social location conditions
Generally speaking, labor market, transportation technology, etc

Geographical conditions of grassland formation

Because of the lack of rainfall in these areas, tall trees can not grow, so they can only grow shrubs or herbs, so they form grassland

What are the conditions for the formation of hot springs?

Generally speaking, the formation of hot springs requires the following three conditions:
(1) there must be hot water underground;
(2) there must be a hydrostatic pressure difference leading to hot water upwelling;
(3) There must be deep cracks in the rock, and the heating water can reach the ground

What is the relationship between geographical conditions and the formation of regional culture

The geographical environment provides the basic conditions for the formation of regional culture. The formation of culture takes place in a certain region, and the natural conditions of the region affect the formation of culture in the region to a certain extent. The influence of environmental conditions on cultural development is accelerating or slowing down. Under certain conditions, the superiority of natural conditions affects the development of culture, The geographical environment endows different areas with different natural conditions and resources, so the direction of production will be different
The primary condition for the formation of regional culture is the natural environment, which determines the quality of life and psychological state of people in a region. The earlier human life is, the more important it is for people to survive. The special or advantaged geographical conditions are suitable for long-term living environment. Different geographical conditions inevitably produce different customs, People in a specific area will have a clear regional awareness and form a competitive relationship with people in other areas. In this case, the regional culture has the most historical depth, breadth and height

What is geographical condition

Geographical conditions in a broad sense include human geographical conditions and physical geographical conditions. Geographical conditions in a narrow sense refer to physical geographical conditions, that is, the climatic characteristics of the region, such as temperature and precipitation; topography, topography, vegetation, minerals and resources
, rivers, mountains and other characteristics
Human geographical conditions include local population, resident composition, ethnic composition, living habits, industrial and agricultural development, etc
I don't know if it's clear? I hope it's useful for you

What are the geographical conditions for the formation of tornadoes?

Tornado has been a mystery for a long time. For this reason, it is necessary to understand it. The attack of tornado is sudden and violent, and the wind produced is the strongest on the ground. Because its appearance and dispersion are very sudden, it is difficult to observe it effectively
What is a tornado
Tornado is a kind of Vortex: the air revolves around the axis of tornado rapidly, and is attracted by the extremely reduced pressure in the center of tornado. In a thin layer of air tens of meters thick near the ground, the air flow is sucked into the bottom of the vortex from all sides, and then becomes an upward vortex around the axis. The wind in tornado is always cyclonic, and the pressure in the center can be 10% lower than the surrounding pressure
The formation of tornadoes
Tornado is the product of Thunderstorm in the cloud. Specifically, tornado is a form of concentrated release of a small part of the huge energy of Thunderstorm in a small area
(1) The instability of the atmosphere produces a strong updraft, which is further strengthened by the influence of the largest cross flow in the jet
(2) Due to the interaction with the wind with shear in vertical velocity and direction, the updraft begins to rotate in the middle of the troposphere, forming a mesoscale cyclone
(3) With the development and upward extension of mesoscale cyclone, it becomes thinner and stronger. At the same time, a small area of enhancement is complementary, that is, the incipient tornado is formed inside the cyclone, and the tornado core is formed in the same process as the cyclone
(4) The rotation in the tornado core is different from that in the cyclone, which is strong enough to make the tornado extend to the ground. When the developing vortex reaches the ground height, the ground air pressure drops sharply and the ground wind speed rises sharply, forming a tornado
Tornado detection
No one really knows what the wind speed of a tornado is. Because the time from tornado occurrence to dissipation is short and the area of action is very small, the existing detection instruments do not have enough sensitivity to accurately observe tornadoes. Relatively speaking, Doppler radar is a more effective and commonly used observation instrument, If the tornado is far away from the radar, the reflected microwave signal frequency will move to the low frequency direction; otherwise, if the tornado is closer to the radar, the reflected signal will move to the high frequency direction. This phenomenon is called Doppler frequency shift, The radar operator can calculate the speed and direction of the tornado by analyzing the frequency shift data
The harm of tornado
In 1995, a tornado occurred in ademore, Oklahoma, USA. heavy objects such as roofs were blown out for tens of miles. Most of the debris fell on the left side of the tornado passage. According to the weight, there was often a clear landing zone. Lighter debris may fly more than 300 kilometers before landing
Tornadoes attack suddenly and violently, and produce the strongest wind on the ground. In the United States, tornadoes cause only the death toll next to lightning every year. It also causes serious damage to buildings, often devastating
Under the attack of a strong tornado, the roof of the house will fly like a glider. Once the roof is swept away, other parts of the house will also collapse. Therefore, if the stability of the roof can be strengthened during the construction of the house, it will help to prevent the huge damage caused by the tornado

The geographical agricultural types and the natural and social economic conditions of agricultural development in China

China has a long history of rice planting, which is characterized by flat terrain, fertile soil, abundant water resources, large population, rich labor force and local people's love of eating rice

Where is the world's densely populated area with superior natural conditions?
What's more, it's formed because of the developed economy
Options are eastern Asia, southern Asia, Western Europe and eastern North America

East Asia, South Asia
Economically developed, Western Europe and eastern North America
I really do it
For the end of tomorrow
Come on, Capricom

Where is China's natural condition in the world
I'm talking about climate, topography, etc

The basic characteristics of China's natural resources and their utilization are that the total amount of resources is rich, but the per capita is small, the utilization rate of resources is low and the waste is serious

The advanced agriculture in the United States benefits from its superior natural conditions, followed by its high degree of modernization and regional development

Incorrect characteristics of agricultural production: first of all, American agriculture belongs to modern agriculture, and its production process is highly mechanized, electrified, chemical and improved variety. The advantages of this kind of agriculture are: high production efficiency and large output; the disadvantages are sometimes overproduction. The specialization of production in its sub agricultural areas is another aspect of American agriculture