How many days from July 26, 2013 to December 31, 2013

How many days from July 26, 2013 to December 31, 2013

5 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 is 159 days

The deposit is 1000 yuan in half a year, the annual interest rate is 8%, and the compound interest rate is once a quarter?
Interest rate of interest period I = R / M = 8% / 4 = 2%
Half year effective interest rate ieff = (1 + 2%), # 178; - 1 = 4.04%
Then f = 1000 (F / A, 4.04%, 2 × 5) = 1000 × 12.029 = 12029? How is this 12.029 calculated? And what is the meaning that the interest period is less than the capital collection and payment period?

The interest period is the interval between two interest periods. In this paper, the interest period is a quarter, that is, three months. The capital collection and payment period is the interval between interest payment or principal payment. There are many forms, such as interest payment by stages, one-time repayment of principal, equal repayment of principal and interest by stages, one-time repayment of principal and interest

For a project, the deposit is 1000 yuan per half year with an annual interest rate of 8%. The interest is calculated once a quarter with compound interest. How much is the deposit amount at the end of five years,

In fact, this is a special case of subsequent annuity calculation
If the annual interest rate is 8%, the interest is calculated once a quarter and the compound interest is calculated, the interest rate in the interest period is I = R / M = 8% / 4 = 2%
Half year effective interest rate = (1 + 2%), # 178; - 1 = 4.04%
Then f = 1000 (F / A, 4.04%, 2 × 5) = 1000 × 12.029 = 12029
Personal advice you can look at the financial management textbook. The textbook on compound interest calculation is more clear!

From now on, its annual deposit is 1000 yuan at the beginning of each year, the annual interest rate is 12%, and the compound interest is calculated once a half year. What is the sum of capital and interest at the end of the fifth year
Formula and operation process
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Using the formula of financial management professional knowledge


At present, the most important physical and geographical factor affecting the population and urban distribution in Xinjiang is ()
A. Location B. water source C. vegetation D. topography

At present, the natural geographical factor which has the greatest influence on the population and urban distribution of Xinjiang is water source

The geographical location and natural conditions of the Pearl River Delta

1. Location and scope: the Pearl River Delta in the broad sense is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. The Tropic of cancer passes through its north and borders on the South China Sea, which is the Pearl River Estuary. It includes Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan and Zhongshan, and Huicheng District and Huiyang County of Huizhou

The distribution of the world urban belt is located in the belt from the geographical position, and in the belt from the natural condition

Middle and low latitude coastal zone
Subtropical and warm temperate zone

Where are the main producing areas of rare earth in China? What is the proportion of China's rare earth reserves and production in the world?

China is the largest country of rare earth resources in the world, with 65.88 million tons of proven rare earth resources

What percentage of the world's rare earth reserves is China-

China's rare earth reserves account for 36% of the world's total, and its output accounts for 97% of the world's total

The main ore minerals, genetic types and main geological characteristics of copper deposits?
There are also gold and iron deposits

The main ore minerals of the copper deposit are: bornite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, malachite, and the others are few. The genetic types of the copper deposit are: 1. Porphyry copper deposit of magmatic rock origin: it mainly occurs in porphyry body and its surrounding rock. The main geological characteristics are: near the periphery, there is a characteristic marker layer - qingpansitization, the grade is generally low, generally small