The annual interest rate is 12%, the compound interest is calculated once a half year, and the sum of principal and interest in the fifth year is 1000 yuan. How much is the deposit now

The annual interest rate is 12%, the compound interest is calculated once a half year, and the sum of principal and interest in the fifth year is 1000 yuan. How much is the deposit now

If x × (1 + 12% / 2) ^ (5 × 2) = 1000, then x = 558.39477692

From now on, the deposit at the beginning of each year is 1000 yuan, the annual interest rate is 12%, and the compound interest is calculated once a half year. What is the sum of the principal and interest at the end of the fifth year?

1000【1+0.06+0.06(1+0.06)】+.1000【(1+0.06+0.06(1+0.06)】^5 =1000*1.1236*(1-1.1236^5 )/ (1-1.1236) = 7189.92 (【0.06+(1+0.06)^2】=1.1236)

Someone deposits 1000 yuan, 3000 yuan after 4 years and 1500 yuan after 6 years. The annual interest rate is 6%, compounded once a half year. How much is the deposit amount after 10 years
It's better to have a formula

Annual interest rate = 6%, compound interest once a half year, that is, compound interest twice a year
Effective interest rate = (1 + 6% / 2) ^ 2-1 = 6.09%
According to the title, 1000 yuan was saved for 10 years, 3000 yuan for 6 years, and 1500 yuan for 4 years
The calculation is as follows,
After 10 years, the principal and interest at maturity = 1000 * (1 + 6.09%) ^ 10 + 3000 * (1 + 6.09%) ^ 6 + 1500 * (1 + 6.09%) ^ 4 = 7983.55 yuan
Note: ^ is the power

The monthly interest rate of a deposit is 0.2%. If 1000 yuan principal is deposited, the sum of principal and interest (the sum of principal and interest) y is calculated without considering interest tax and compound interest(
The sum of principal and interest after 6 months is calculated

The analytic expression of the function between the sum of principal and interest (sum of principal and interest) y (yuan) and the number of months x
Sum of principal and interest after 6 months = 1000 + 2 * 6 = 1012
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What are the geological conditions, indicators and evaluation criteria for PEGMATITE DEPOSITS

To search for PEGMATITE DEPOSITS, comprehensive analysis should be made on the basis of geological background (environment) and deposit characteristics
According to the metallogenic conditions of PEGMATITE DEPOSITS, pegmatite deposits are formed in a deeper depth; they mainly occur in the areas with strong fold belts and exposed granite bodies; granites are often in the form of aggregates or huge rock strains; the surrounding rocks are often regional metamorphic rocks, such as schist, gneiss and migmatite. All these can be used as the basis for judging whether there is pegmatite in an area
Pegmatite deposit is closely related to pegmatite. Pegmatite is a kind of geological body with coarse mineral crystal grains, certain internal structural characteristics, and often presents as irregular dyke, dike or convex mirror. The deposit has a typical zonal structure, The distribution of pegmatite is very characteristic. The structure of pegmatite is common in megacryst structure, literal image structure, coarse grain structure, literal image structure and fine grain structure. These characteristics can also be used as the basis for looking for pegmatite

Is geological survey the same as prospecting, regional geological survey and mineral survey?

It should be different. The former focuses on mining areas and ore occurrences, while the latter focuses on regional and large areas. Of course, all of them are geological work and all of them are looking for minerals

What minerals do quartz and gypsum belong to?

Mineral resources generally refer to all industrial minerals, rocks, oil, gas, water and other resources that are buried in the earth's crust (or distributed on the earth's surface) and can be used by human economy and have mining value. Minerals are generally divided into metal minerals, non-metal minerals and energy minerals
Quartz and gypsum are all non-metallic minerals

The advantages and disadvantages of oasis development in Xinjiang,
Please be as detailed as possible
The first floor is not the answer

Favorable conditions: 1 > oasis refers to the green land with water and grass in the desert. Xinjiang desert is widely distributed, so it provides the necessary foundation for oasis. 2 > Xinjiang groundwater channels are widely distributed, and the water source is relatively rich, which provides the necessary water resources for oasis. 3 > long sunshine time, light and heat resources are relatively rich. 4 > special terrain, three mountains with two basins

Junior high school geography, the province of the important cities along the main railway line of China
More than a dozen important railway lines, indicating the cities along the way, those cities should be specifically marked where the province, thank you

Beijing Shanghai Railway: Beijing Tianjin Shandong Jinan Jiangsu Xuzhou Jiangsu Nanjing Jiangsu Wuxi Jiangsu Suzhou Shanghai the newly built Beijing Shanghai high speed railway (passing through the same city) 2

Favorable conditions for the development of Shanghai Iron and steel base
Shanghai is a large-scale iron and steel base in China, so the favorable conditions for the development of Shanghai Iron and steel base are ()
A close to consumer market B close to iron ore
C close to coal mine D close to the sea, easy to import ore
Don't write blindly

A Shanghai is the largest city in China with a vast market. Located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, Shanghai is the central city in the Yangtze River Delta and has a vast economic hinterland
Panzhihua is supported by national policy and near the origin of raw materials
Anshan is near the origin of raw materials
Chongqing is the raw material producing area + market