Compound interest formula to calculate principal and interest The principal is 10000 yuan and the annual interest rate is 20%. After seven years, how much is the total principal and interest The annual interest rate is 20%. It's compound interest,

Compound interest formula to calculate principal and interest The principal is 10000 yuan and the annual interest rate is 20%. After seven years, how much is the total principal and interest The annual interest rate is 20%. It's compound interest,

1 + 1 * 20% * 7 * 20% = 1.28 compound interest: 10000 * 3.5632 + 35832 simple interest: 10000 × (0.2 × 7 + 1) = 24000 1 * (1 + 20%) 7 = note: "7" in the above formula is the 7th power 10000 * (1 + 20%) ^ 7 = 35831.81 note: ^ 7 represents the power, that is, the 7th power compound interest of (1 + 20%) is 10000 yuan multiplied by

How to prove the compound interest formula: S = P (1 + R) ^ n, where (s: sum of principal and interest, P: principal, R: interest rate, N: loan term)
How to prove compound interest formula: S = P (1 + R) ^ n
Where (s: sum of principal and interest, P: principal, R: interest rate, N: loan term)
Related formula, I don't know if it is useful (I = S-P, I: interest amount)
Statistics homework, to prove the process in detail, in other words is to prove the formula, you will give an answer, thank you

Sum of principal and interest of deposit year S0 = S0
The sum of one-year principal and interest S1 = P + R * P = P (1 + R) = S0 (1 + R), so S1 is 1 + R times of S0
Sum of 2-year principal and interest S2 = (1 + R) S1
Sum of principal and interest for 3 years S3 = (1 + R) S2
Sum of principal and interest for n-1 years s (n-1) = (1 + R) s (n-2)
Sum of n-year principal and interest Sn = (1 + R) s (n-1)
All N + 1 formulas are multiplied by the left and right equal reductions, leaving Sn = S1 (1 + R) ^ n = P (1 + R) ^ n
It's over

What are the advantages for Mumbai or India to develop service outsourcing industry

Cheap human resources
Abundant resources
convenient transportation

The basis of the division of four geographical regions in China
_____ , and_____ characteristic.

Characteristics of natural and human geography~
I crawl away It's written in the book. I forgot the page~

(1) what are the topographical features of peninsula a__________________ ,
Reading "the map of world geographical region division",
(1) What are the topographical features of peninsula a__________________ In order to make use of the advantages of boats to obtain sufficient materials and external contacts, most of the capital and big cities here are along the coast___________ Distribution. The region is the largest in the world_________ (food) and________________ It is an important planting area for crops.
(2) The topography of area B is mainly composed of___________ What is the most serious environmental problem here___________
(3) What are the main regional international organizations in area C___________ There are many countries here, and most of them belong to China economically___________ country.
(4) Most of area D is located in the south of (latitude), which is the highest latitude area in the world. The natural environment here is unique, and the surface is covered, which provides a natural laboratory for scientists to carry out research.

(1) What are the topographical features of peninsula a___ Alternating mountains and rivers, North and South column____ In order to make use of the advantages of boats to obtain sufficient materials and external contacts, most of the capital and big cities here are along the coast___ River___ The area is the largest in the world__ Rice___ (food) and___ Tropical economy___ It is an important planting area for crops

How to memorize the map of world geography in high school?
Be more specific

In the middle school geography textbook, there are many kinds of charts, such as administrative district map, topographic map, climate map, landscape map, schematic map, etc., and there are special map books for learning. These charts most vividly express geographical things and phenomena. They are not only one of the important contents of Geography class, but also the learning place

World geographic map
I remember that the geographical Atlas of primary school has a detailed map of each continent. For example, in Asia, he circled which part is Southeast Asia, which part is central Asia, and so on. After searching on the Internet, it seems that there are very few, so I have to ask for your magic power

Four maps with the same map sheet at different scales represent geographical things in the most detailed way
A. One centimeter on the map represents the actual distance of 25 kilometers B. 25 parts per million c.1:500 000 d.1:1000


In the two maps with the same map sheet, the one with smaller scale a has smaller field scope, B has coarser geographical things and D has shorter field distance

First of all, this problem can be solved by the method of exclusion. The three options of ACD are in the same direction, only option B is opposite
PS: as for the scale, just remember this: the scale is inversely proportional to the scope of the map. The smaller the scale, the larger the scope of the map
When the scope is large, the geographical things are rough~

The larger the scale is, the larger the map area is, the more geographical things it reflects (); the smaller the scale is, the smaller the map area is, the more geographical things it reflects ()?

The larger the scale is, the larger the map area is, the smaller (smaller) the geographical things are reflected; the smaller the scale is, the smaller the map area is, the larger (larger) the geographical things are reflected