Today is Tuesday. After 2007, what day is it

Today is Tuesday. After 2007, what day is it


What day is today's Tuesday the third power of 1998

What is the remainder of the 1998 power of 3 divided by 7? First of all, 3 ^ 1998 = 9 ^ 999 = (7 + 2) ^ 999 is expanded by binomial theorem, which is related to the last term, that is, 2 ^ 999, then 2 ^ 999 = 8 ^ 333 = (7 + 1) ^ 333 is expanded by binomial theorem, which is also related to the last term, that is

If: the 15th day after yesterday is Tuesday, then what day is the 100 days before tomorrow?

If the 15 days after yesterday is Tuesday, it means yesterday is Monday, then tomorrow is Wednesday, 98 days before tomorrow is Wednesday, 99 days are Tuesday, so 100 days later is Monday

Today is Tuesday. What day is the 100th day from today?

On Wednesday, 100 / 7 = 14 + 2
It's Wednesday from Tuesday

How far is the earth from Mars? How far is it from the moon? How far is it from Pluto?

The earth is 7834.4 billion kilometers between the sun and Mars, the sun is 3775.4 billion kilometers between the earth and Mars, Mars is 1.5237 astronomical units away from the sun, the earth is 1495.8 billion kilometers away from the sun; the moon's orbit around the earth is elliptical, the nearest time (Perigee) is about 363300 kilometers, the farthest time (apogee) is about 40

What kind of moon, sun, earth, Saturn, Mars belong to

The sun is a star,
Earth, Saturn, Mars are planets,
The moon is a satellite
They are three different levels of celestial bodies

The distance between Mars and the earth
And the distance between the earth and the planets in light years

Mercury is 0.387 Au from the sun
Venus is 0.723 Au from the sun
The earth is 1.000 Au from the sun
Mars is 1.524 Au from the sun
Jupiter is 5.203 Au from the sun
Saturn is 9.586 Au from the sun
Uranus is 19.229 Au from the sun
Neptune is 30.06 Au from the sun
Thirdly, for the convenience of calculation, the eccentricity is ignored
Mercury is 0.613-1.387 Au from the earth
Venus 0.277-1.723 Au
Mars 0.524-1.524 Au
Jupiter 4.203-6.203 Au
Saturn 8.586-10.586 Au
Uranus 18.229-20.229 Au
Neptune 29.06-31.06 Au
It's really boring to convert to light years. If I don't do such a meaningless work, a light year is about 63000 astronomical units
What is the astronomical unit? It refers to the average distance between the sun and the earth, with a value of 1.49597870.691 ± 0.030km

What is the distance between the earth and Mars?

Because in the respective orbit, the value will change, about 5760 km

The distance between the earth and Mars

At 1:58 Beijing time on June 11, 2003, the US spirit Mars probe was launched by delta 2 rocket at Kennedy Space Center. After nearly seven months of flight, at 12:35 noon on January 4, 2004, spirit successfully landed on the beautiful and unknown surface of Mars
The distance between Mars and the earth was 58.8 million km in 1988, and it will reach 57.6 million km in 2018. But on August 27 this year, the distance between Mars and the earth will be only 55.76 million km, the latest in 60000 years, On the 28th, there will be an astronomical phenomenon of Mars rushing to the sun, that is, Mars, earth and sun are almost in the same straight line
However, according to the astronomer's calculation, in the 800 years from 1600 to 2400, the closest distance between Mars and the earth this year can only be ranked third. According to the calculation, by September 2, 2366, the distance between Mars and the earth will be about 55.71 million kilometers. By August 28, 2287, the distance between Mars and the earth will be closer, about 55.69 million kilometers

How far is the earth from Mars

When the earth and Mars are on the same side of the sun, and the sun, earth and fire are in the same straight line, the distance between the earth and Mars is the smallest, which is 0.6 astronomical units