75 / 76 × 77 (simple calculation process)

75 / 76 × 77 (simple calculation process)

=74 and 2 / 77

Simple calculation of 5 / 11 + 3 / 8 + 6 / 11 + 1 / 8

171819sss answer for you at any time

Can 11 of 39 × 22 of 13 × 7 of 6 be calculated simply

39 and 13, the denominator becomes 3, 11 and 22, the denominator becomes 2, 2, 3 and 6, the answer is one seventh

2-8 / 11 + 3 / 22 =? Simple calculation!
Such as the title! To simplify the calculation!

2-8/11+3/22 =2-16/22+3/22 =2-13/22 =31/22

How to calculate 11-15 / 22-7 / 11 △ 2

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I wish you progress in your study!

How to calculate 7 / 12 minus (3 / 8 plus 5 / 12) plus 5 / 8
Fractions, (three eighths and five twelfth) with brackets, count first


53 and 11 / 6 minus 6 and 7 / 4 plus 16 and 11 / 5,

I'm glad to be able to answer your question here
53 and 11 / 6 minus 6 and 7 / 4 plus 16 and 11 / 5
=(6 of 53 and 11 plus 5 of 16 and 11) minus 4 of 6 and 7
=70 minus 6 and 4 / 7
=63 and 3 / 7

Write two sentences, such as 12 * 231 = 132 * 21 52 * = * 52 * 396 = 693*


12 times 231 = 132 times 21, 13 times 341 = 143 times 31. According to this rule, 52 times

The rule of 12 × 231 = 132 × 21, 13 × 341 = 143 × 31 is that, on the surface, only the number in the middle of the last three digits moves to the middle of the first two digits, for example, 3 in 231 moves to the middle of 12 to become 123. Another level rule is that, except for the moving number 3, all other numbers not only add up to 3, but also invert each other, such as 1 + 2 = 2 + 1 = 3, etc.; similarly, the following 1 + 3 = 3 + 1 = 4
Therefore, it is speculated that 52 × 275 = 572 × 25
Hope it answers your question

Observe the following equations, 12x231 = 132x21, 13x341 = 143x31, fill in the blanks according to the rules reflected by the above formulas, and make the formula known

52 times 275 = 572 times 25; 63 times 396 = 693 times 36
I do my homework,