Is the original formula 106 * 1.25-18 △ 7.5 + 2.5 or 106 * 1.25-18 △ 7.5 + 2.4 9.25 + 9.9 + 92.5%

Is the original formula 106 * 1.25-18 △ 7.5 + 2.5 or 106 * 1.25-18 △ 7.5 + 2.4 9.25 + 9.9 + 92.5%

9.25 + 9.9 + 92.5%

If you can calculate simply, you should calculate simply. 0.25 + 5 / 12

0.25 + 5 / 12
=3 / 12 + 5 / 12
=8 out of 12
=2 / 3

5 out of 7-5 out of 12 times 5 out of 7, 12 out of 25 times 98

5 out of 7-5 out of 12 times 5 out of 7
12 out of 25 times 98
=47 1 / 25

1001 * 68 / 13 + 198 / 198 + 198 / 199 + 201 / 200 + 999 + 991 / 999 / 4

1001 * 68 / 13 + 198 / 198 + 198 / 199 + 201 / 200 + 999 + 991 / 999 / 4
=77 * 68 + 1 / 1 and 1 / 199 + 201 / 200 + (1000 + 8 / 999) / 4
=5488 2 / 999

Calculation: 1001 × 5313 + 198 △ 198199 + 11200=______ .

1001 × 5313 + 198 / 198199 + 11200, = 1001 × (5 + 313) + 198 / (198 + 198199) + 11200, = 1001 × 5 + 1001 × 313 + 198 / [198 × (1 + 1199)] + 11200, = 5005 + 231 + 198 / 198 / 200199 + 11200, = 5236 + 1 × 199200 + 11200, = 5236 + (199200 + 11200), = 5236 + 2, = 5238

Known Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55. How many numbers can be divided by 3 in the first 2009 items of this sequence?

void main()
int a1=1,a2=1,an;
int n=3,cnt=0;

Carefully observe the famous pebonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Then its 12th number should be______ .

The 12th number = 55 + 89 = 144

There are a series of true scores, arranged as follows: 12, & nbsp; 13, & nbsp; 23, & nbsp; 14, & nbsp; 24, & nbsp; 34, & nbsp; 15, & nbsp; 25, & nbsp; 35, & nbsp; 45 What is the 1001st score?

Looking for the law, we can know that there is one number with 2 as the denominator, two numbers with 3 as the denominator, and 1 + 2 + +44=990,1+2+3+… +45 = 1035, so the denominator of the 1001st number is 46, and 1001 = 990 + 11, so the 1001st fraction is the 11th number from the left of the fraction whose denominator is 46, so its numerator is 11, so 1146 is the truth fraction

There is a series of fractions arranged like this: 1 / 2, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1 / 4, 2 / 4, 3 / 4, 1 / 5, 2 / 5, 3 / 5, 4 / 5, 1 / 6 What is the number 1999?

There are 1 fraction with denominator 2, 2 fractions with denominator 3, 3 fractions with denominator 4, and N-1 fractions with denominator n
When n = 63, s = 1953; when n = 64, s = 2016, so
The denominator of the number 1999 is 64, and the numerator is 1999-1953 = 46
