What's 5665566 + 65555 times 56

What's 5665566 + 65555 times 56


56.25% is equal to a few parts

It's 9 out of 16

A natural number is between 1000 and 2000, and it is divided by 3 to 1, by 5 to 2, by 7 to 3

The smallest fraction divided by 3 and 1, 5 and 7 is 70
The smallest number divided by 5 and 2, 3 and 7 is 42
Divide 7 by 3 and divide 3 and 5 by 45
Therefore, the decimal number of 3 divided by 1, 5 divided by 2 and 7 divided by 3 is 70 + 42 + 45-3x5x7 = 157-105 = 52
Between 1000 and 2000, there are several numbers that meet the requirements, such as 52 + 105x10 = 1102

What is the product of 2 / 3 divided by 3 minus 1.5 and multiplying by 4 / 15?

It's division, not division, so it's the reverse
Use: (3 divided by 2 / 3 minus 1.5) times 4 / 15 = (4.5-1.5) times 4 / 15 = 3 times 4 / 15 = 0.8
A: the product is 0.8

1-2+3-4+5-6+… +2005-2006=______ .

The original formula = [1 + (- 2)] + [3 + (- 4)] + +[2003+(-2004)]+[2005+(-2006)]=(-1)+(-1)+… +(- 1) (a total of 1003 - 1) = - 1003

Please use it
The original formula is The format of the answer

It can be seen that from 1 / 2 to - 2012 / 2013, there are a total of 2012 items, in which even items are negative and odd items are positive. Therefore, there are 1006 negative items
The multiplication of even negative signs equals a positive sign
Therefore, the original formula is equal to the multiplication of positive numbers after all negative signs are removed
Original formula = 1 / 2 * 2 / 3 * 3 / 4 *. * 2012 / 2013 = 1 / 2013

What is the answer to 1 + (- 2) + 3 + (- 4) + 5 +... + (- 2012) + 2013

The first two numbers are a pair, and each pair is equal to - 1, so - 1006 + 2013 = 1007

If x and y satisfy the square of / X - 2013 / + / y + 2012 / = 2012, find the value of XY

| x-2013 | + | y squared + 2012|

If x and y satisfy | x + 1 | + | y-2013 | ≤ 0, find the value of XY

If x and y satisfy | x + 1 | + | y-2013 | ≤ 0, find the value of XY
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Let f (x) = asin (π x + a) + bcos (π x + β) + 4, where a, B.A. β are non-zero real numbers. If f (2011) = 5, find the value of F (2012)
Add 4 and remove

OK, landlord - 0-