How to calculate 20-10135; 1.6-0.125 * 8

How to calculate 20-10135; 1.6-0.125 * 8

How to calculate 6.8 △ 0.125

6.8 △ 0.125 = [6.8 × 8] / [0.125 × 8] = 74.4 △ 1 = 74.4

46 × 0.125 × 8 should be calculated simply

46 × (0.125 × 8) = 46, which is more convenient

Simple calculation of 7.2 + 2.8/0.125


How about 3 ^ (2x) - 3 ^ (x2) = 3 ^ (x) - 9

Let 3 ^ x = y
The solution is y = - 1 (rounding off) or 9
Hope it works for you

How to calculate Lim with the limit of x3-2x + 1 / x2-1 is close to 1
How can you write down the formula? Be specific
When LIM (x → 1), how much is x3-2x + 1 / x2-1 = I know the answer is 1 / 2

Because both the numerator and denominator are 0 when x approaches 1, it satisfies the condition of using the law of lobita
Therefore, by deriving the upper and lower parts of the fraction, we can get the following results
Original formula = LIM (3x ^ 2-2) / 2x (x tends to 1)
So the final formula is 1 / 2

Simplify first, and then evaluate, x2-2x / x2-1 △ (x-1-2x-1 / x + 2), where x = 1 / 2

Original formula = {x (X-2) / [(x + 1) (x-1)]} △ [(x-1) (x + 1) / (x-1) - (2x-1) / (x + 1)]
When x = 1 / 2
Original formula = 1 / (1 / 2-1)

First simplify and then evaluate [[(x2 + 2x + 1) / (x + 2)] / [(x2-1) / (x-1)] - X / (x + 2), where x = √ 3-2

The original formula = (x + 1) &# 178; / (x + 2) / (x + 1) (x-1) / (x-1) - X / (x + 2)

Simplify evaluation X / x + 2 - x2 + 2x + 1 / x + 2 △ x2-1 / X-2, where x = √ 3-2

X/X+2 - X2+2X+1/X+2 ÷ X2-1/X-2
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