Is there a simple algorithm for 159 * 3535 / 5353?

Is there a simple algorithm for 159 * 3535 / 5353?

Top = 159 * 35 / 53 = 3 * 35 = 105

Multiplication of rational numbers (negative 125) multiplication (negative 25) multiplication (negative 5) multiplication (2) multiplication (negative 4) multiplication (negative 8)


Rational number multiplication problem (negative 6) multiply (negative 3 and 2 / 1) minus (negative 7) multiply 3 and 7 / 1 plus 13 multiply (negative 3 and 13 / 4) steps!

Original formula = - 6 * (- 7 / 2) - (- 7) * (22 / 7) + 13 * (- 43 / 13)

Rational multiplication steps (1) definite (), (2) calculation ()

(1) When the number of negative factors is even, the product is positive; when the number of negative factors is odd, the product is negative
(2) Calculate, calculate the product of the absolute values of all factors. Of course, as long as one factor is 0, the product is 0, then there is no need to sign
(1) Definite (sign), (2) calculation (absolute value of product)
First determine the sign of the product. The sign of the product depends on the number of negative factors. When the number of negative factors is even, the product is positive. When the number of negative factors is odd, the product is negative
I'm a teacher. Thank you