Five hours and thirty-six minutes minus two hours and forty-eight minutes is equal to A2.8 hours, b2.88 hours and c2.48 hours

Five hours and thirty-six minutes minus two hours and forty-eight minutes is equal to A2.8 hours, b2.88 hours and c2.48 hours

Five hours and thirty-six minutes = 336 minutes, two hours and forty-eight minutes = 168 minutes,
Available: 5 hours 36 minutes minus 2 hours 48 minutes = 168 minutes = 168 △ 60 hours = 2.8 hours
Choose a

Five hours and thirty-six minutes minus two hours and forty-eight minutes is equal to 2.8 hours, right?

That's right
5 hours 36 minutes = 5.6 hours
2 hours 48 minutes = 2.8 hours
5.6-2.8 = 2.8 hours

How many hours is five hours and 24 minutes


What number is divided by 5 to 1, divided by 7, divided by 8 to 3

Judging 5Y mantissa from mantissa 0.55y-2 mantissa 8.3
56x mantissa 0 2 4 6 8
We can get x = 3 7 * 8 * 3 + 3 = 171

It is known that 1 divided by a = 0.0909 : 2 divided by a = 0.1818 3 divided by a = 0. 2727 4 divided by a = 0. 3636 Then the quotient of 9 divided by a is ()


______ :40=______ =36÷______ =0.45=______ .

18: So the answer is: 18920, 80, 45%

36 = () divided by 25 = 0.8 = ()%?
Can you be more specific? What is the method? How to calculate?

40 20 80

What is 0.342 divided by 0.36


Ask: 1 times 3 times 5 times 7 times 9 times the last 3 digits of the product of 2011

I don't know if there is any specific mathematical principle. I use computer-aided calculation and only consider the value of less than 3 bits. When I multiply by 25, the less than 3 bits of every 4 product begin to become a cycle of 625875375625. When I multiply by 2011, the number of less than 3 bits is 875

4 out of 7 times () equals 2011 times () equals () times 0.25 equals () times 1 out of 25 equals 1

(1) 7 / 4
(2) 1 / 2011