What is a divided by 40% minus a

What is a divided by 40% minus a

A divided by 40% minus a = 2.5a-a = 1.5A

15x minus 30 equals 150, think of such a problem! There is only one X! How to calculate?


One plus one minus ten plus seven minus four minus five times twenty plus five times four minus forty-five times eight is experience,


Xiaoming asks Xiaobin to think of a number, multiply it by 5, add 7, and subtract 4. Finally, he tells him the result. He only needs to subtract 10 from the result, and then divide it by 10 to know what Xiaobin thinks. Do you know why?

Your topic is wrong. Xiao bin should ask Xiao Ming to think of a number, multiply it by 5, add 7, then multiply it by 2, and then subtract 4. Finally, tell him the result, and he will know what Xiao Ming thinks. Because: let this number be X

Any number multiplied by 5, plus 7, then multiplied by 2, and then minus 4. If you subtract 10 from the result, and then divide by 10, which number is it? Why?

Let this number be a, then there is:
So the process is right

Some people say that if you multiply a number by 5, add 7 times 2 minus 4, and then subtract 10 from the result and divide it by 10, you can get that number. Is that correct? What's the reason?

Let this number be X-Series equation (2 (5x + 7) - 4) - 10 = 10x
It's 10x = 10x

Just think of a number multiplied by 5 plus 7, then multiplied by 2 minus 4. As long as the number minus 10 is divided by 10, why?

Let this number be a
Then there is (5a + 7) × 2-4 = 10A + 10, so as long as this number minus 10, you can get a by dividing by 10

15% minus 10% is 1.1. Please help me calculate it


Bracket 2 / 1 minus 3 / 1 plus bracket 3 / 1 minus 4 / 1 plus bracket and so on. How much does it equal to 19 / 1 minus 20 / 1

(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4 )+...(1/19-1/20)=1/2-1/20=9/20

A number minus 2, plus 6, and then divided by 5 to get 7, then the number is

Let this number be X
The number is 31