What is the minus plus sign? The mathematical symbol is the minus sign above and the plus sign below; What is this symbol for? What kind of formula is used

What is the minus plus sign? The mathematical symbol is the minus sign above and the plus sign below; What is this symbol for? What kind of formula is used

This is equivalent to or in English. It can be used in addition or subtraction. It is also used in quadratic root equation

What's a minus sign under a plus sign

"Plus or minus" means "plus or minus." you'll learn it later in math
If it is on the commodity package, such as 100g ± 5g, it means the content is 100g, and the error of 5g is allowed, that is, the actual value is between 95g and 105g. ± here represents a floating range
If it is in mathematics, it should be more rigorous, such as (± 5) & sup2; = 25, which means that the squares of + 5 and - 5 are both = 25. ± here means a fixed value