The minute hand of Feifei's clock is 6 cm long. After 15 minutes, how many centimeters has his tip gone? How many square centimeters has the minute hand rotated?

The minute hand of Feifei's clock is 6 cm long. After 15 minutes, how many centimeters has his tip gone? How many square centimeters has the minute hand rotated?

The radius is six centimeters, and 15 minutes is a quarter, or 90 degrees
It's perimeter: 2 π R / 4 = 2 * π * 6 / 4 = 3 π
Area π RR / 4 = π * 6 * 6 / 4 = 9 π
Finally, pay attention to the unit!

The minute hand of a clock is 15cm long. After 15 minutes, what is the distance of the tip of the minute hand? What is the area swept by the minute hand?

3.14 × 15 × 15 / 60 = 706.5 × 1 / 4 = 176.625 (cm2)
The distance is 23.55cm, the area swept by minute needle is 176.628 square cm

Xiaomeijia's clock is 6 cm long. It takes 15 minutes to walk through. How many centimeters does its tip walk through? How many square centimeters does the minute hand rotate?
Please brothers and sisters, I can't write this question,
Come on

Minutes, 15 minutes, past the clock
15 △ 60 = 1 / 4
It's on the tip
6 × 2 × 3.14 × 1 / 4 = 9.42 (CM)
What is the area that the minute hand rotates
6 × 6 × 3.14 × 1 / 4 = 28.26 (cm2)

The minute hand of Xiaomei's clock is 6cm long. When the minute hand passes for 15 minutes, how many centimeters does its tip pass? How many square centimeters does the minute hand rotate?
Remember to write a formula

Minute hand 15 minutes, 15 / 60 = 1 / 4 hour
His tip is 3.14x6x2x1 / 4 = 9.42cm
The area rotated by the minute hand is 3.14x6x6x1/4 = 28.26 square centimeter

The minute hand of Xiaomei's clock is 6cm long. How many centimeters has the minute hand gone through in 15 minutes? How many square centimeters has the minute hand turned?
And there is analysis

3.14 * 6 * 2 / 4 = 9.42cm 3.14 * 6 * 6 / 4 = 28.26cm 2
*=Multiplication / = Division

The minute hand of Xiaomei's clock is 6 cm long. How many cm does the tip of the minute hand go through after 5 minutes? How many square centimeters does the minute hand turn?
Wrong number. It's 15 minutes

3.14 * 6 * 2 / 4 = 9.42cm 3.14 * 6 * 6 / 4 = 28.26cm 2
*=Multiplication / = Division

Divide two numbers. If the divisor is divided by 5, to keep the quotient constant, the divisor should be

The divisor should also be divided by 5

The sum of the divisor, the divisor, the quotient and the remainder is 151?

Let a △ B = C d
Then a + B + C + D = 151
So: a = 119, B = 23
That is, the divisor is 119 and the divisor is 23

408 / 4, 0 divided by 2 on the tenth digit of the divisor, not quotient (), quotient ()

408 / 4, 0 divided by 2 on the tenth digit of the divisor. If it is not quotient (1), it is quotient (0)

408 / 2, 0 divided by 2 on the tenth digit of the divisor, not quotient (), quotient ()

408 / 2, 0 divided by 2 on the tenth digit of the divisor, if it is not quotient (1), it will be quotient (0)