Divide a number by 0.2 and divide it five times in a row. The quotient is 625. What's the number?

Divide a number by 0.2 and divide it five times in a row. The quotient is 625. What's the number?

Divide a number by 0.2 for five consecutive times to get 625, which means that if 625 is multiplied by 0.2 for five times, it is the number

If a number is divided by 0.98, the quotient must be greater than this number?

Dividing by 0.98 is equivalent to multiplying by a number larger than one, and any real number meets the requirements

600 divided by 25 = () how to use the law of constant quotient to calculate this problem?


When the divisor is 10 times larger and the divisor is divided by 2, does the quotient expand or shrink

Quotient = divisor / divisor
New quotient = (divisor * 10) / (divisor / 2) = 20 * quotient
The trade volume has increased 20 times

If the divisor and divisor are divided by two at the same time, the quotient is zero
If the divisor and divisor are divided by two at the same time, the quotient is zero

Business is constant

4 divided by 2 = 2 divided by 4. 4 divided by 2 is divisor, divisor and quotient. 2 divided by 4 is divisor, divisor and quotient
Just like the above question, how to divide 4 by 2 and calculate 4 / 2 2 / 4 in the right way?
I can't understand a question. 5 divided by 3, 5 is divisor, 3 is divisor. This is the same as the Bei sentence in Chinese. Why should we divide 3 by 5 according to divisor, divisor, quotient and so on

4 divided by 2 (2 △ 4)
2 divided by 4 (2 △ 4)

The divisor divided by the divisor. If the divisor is multiplied by 8, what is the divisor to keep the quotient constant?

The divisor should also be multiplied by 8, which is consistent with the multiple of the divisor

If the divisor is multiplied by 100, the divisor should ()
A. Divide by 100b and multiply by 100C

According to the law of constant quotient, the divisor should be multiplied by 100 in order to make the quotient constant

If the divisor is divided by 4 and the divisor remains the same, then the quotient ()


The quotient of dividing two numbers is 32. If the divisor remains unchanged and the divisor is divided by 2, then the quotient is ()

The quotient of dividing two numbers is 32. If the divisor remains unchanged and the divisor is divided by 2, then the quotient is (16)