If the divisor remains the same, the divisor divided by 2, the quotient should also be divided by 2______ (judge right or wrong)

If the divisor remains the same, the divisor divided by 2, the quotient should also be divided by 2______ (judge right or wrong)

In the division formula, if the divisor is constant and the divisor is divided by 2, the quotient will be expanded by 2 times

The quotient of a number divided by 6 is 5, and there is a remainder. What is the maximum and minimum of this number?

The remainder of a number divided by 6 can only be one of 1,2,3,4,5
So the maximum number is 5 × 6 + 5 = 35
Minimum = 5 × 6 + 1 = 31
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What is the sum of 5 / 9 of 2.7 plus 5 and 3 / 5 divided by 2.8


What is the quotient of 7.5 minus 1.5 minus 8.1 plus 4.5?

(8.1 + 4.5) / (7.5-1.5) = 12.6 / 6 = 2.1; a: the quotient is 2.1

What is the quotient of 7.5 minus 1.5 divided by 8.1 plus 4.5?
Don't be too abstruse

I hope you can understand, you can understand and agree

What is the quotient of 7.5 minus 1.5 minus 8.1 plus 4.5?

(8.1 + 4.5) / (7.5-1.5) = 12.6 / 6 = 2.1; a: the quotient is 2.1

If the quotient of a divided by B is 1 and 3 / 8, then a is 11 to 8


8 plus a number, and then divided by 10, quotient 50, what is the number


6.8 divided by x = 17

0.4 6.8/14=0.4

If you divide a number by 16, you get 6. If you divide the number by 16, the quotient is ()

16 divided by (6x16x4) = 1 / 24,