What is interpolation? What is the calculation process of interpolation? Please give an example

What is interpolation? What is the calculation process of interpolation? Please give an example

That is to say, we know the coordinates of many points, but we don't know their function expressions. We need to find the corresponding value of Y according to the coordinates of these points, given the value of X (of course, this x is inside the interval of these points)
More commonly used are Lagrange, Newton, spline and so on
You can read the book of calculation method or numerical analysis

The calculation principle of interpolation in Mathematics
How does the formula (i-i1) / (i2-i1) = (b-b1) / b2-b1 come from?
Note: I, I1, I2 and B, B1, B2 are a set of corresponding relations. I is between I1 and I2

Mathematical interpolation is called "linear interpolation". Its principle is that if a (I1, B1), B (I2, B2) are two points, then p (I, b) is on the line determined by the above two points. In engineering, I is between I1 and I2, so p is between a and B, so it is called "linear interpolation". Mathematical interpolation shows that the variables reflected by point P follow the linear relationship reflected by line ab
If a, B and P are collinear, then
(B-B 1) / (I-I 1) = (b 2-B 1) / (I 2-I 1) = the slope of the line

How to judge the number of transferred electrons according to the chemical reaction equation

If the change of valence is multiplied by the foot number of the changing element, and then multiplied by the stoichiometric number in front of the chemical formula, such as 2h2o2 = = = 2H2O + O2 ↑ to calculate the number of transferred electrons, the transfer of the element with higher valence can be calculated, and the transfer of the element with lower valence can be calculated. In this reaction, part of the oxygen element - 1 becomes - 2, and part of - 1 becomes 0

High school chemistry equation (electron transfer)
Please explain the number and direction of electron transfer when Na2O2 reacts with water, chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide

1. 2na2o2 + 2H2O = 4naoh + O2 ↑ o: - 1 → 0 lose electrons 1E - × 2O: - 1 → - 2 get electrons 1E - × 22, 2naoh + Cl2 = NaCl + NaClO + h2ocl: 0 → + 1 lose electrons 1E - × 1

Chemical equation electron transfer
How to use electron transfer to calculate the amount in the chemical equation, that is, how to judge how much mol electron transfer is

There is disproportionation, and there is centralization. Therefore, we should first look at the oxidant and reductant in the reactant, and then look at the change in the valence of the element being oxidized and reduced, that is, the number of transferred electrons. The balance is based on the change in valence

In the redox reaction, the direction and number of electron transfer should be indicated. Should "single bridge" or "double bridge" be used?

Single line bridge, double line bridge can be used
I think the double bridge is easy to understand
Single wire bridge is the transfer of electrons between different elements

How to express the expression of electron transfer double bridge in chemical redox reaction?

This part had better enter the following website to have a look
Double bridge method: this method can not only show the direction and total number of electron transfer, but also show the relationship between the rise and fall of element valence, oxidation and reduction. The arrow of double bridge starts from the atom or ion of the element concerned in the reactant, and the arrow points to the atom or ion of the corresponding element in the product after the change of valence. The total number of "lost" or "obtained" electrons should be marked on the line, The rise and fall of valence and the "oxidation" or "reduction" of the element

How to use the single bridge and double bridge in the redox reaction of chemistry in senior one,

For example, copper and dilute nitric acid make no, 3cu + 2no3 - + 8h + = 3cu2 + + 2No ↑ + 4H2O
Five valence n becomes two valence n, one nitrogen is reduced by three valence, three electrons are obtained, two nitrogen are reduced, a total of six electrons. The number of electrons depends on the reduction product, that is, how much oxide is reduced
In the chemical equation, 3cu + 8hno3 (dilute) = 3cu (NO3) 2 + 2No ↑ + 4H2O, a part of nitric acid is formed into NO3 - which has not been reduced in solution, so the specific amount depends on the coefficient of reduction product. If the topic has a specified amount, then multiply it by this amount, and see the specific unit

Redox reaction with double bridge how to express, and the above numbers represent what meaning? Best give an example, thank you

For example
+2 0 0 +1
CuO -- Cu: because the Cu valence of CuO is + 2, the Cu valence is 0,
There's only one CuO in the equation, so it's 1 X
And because CuO gets two electrons, it's 2E-
So 1 × 2E - is equal to 2E-
H2 -- H2O: because the valence of H2 is 0, the valence of H2O is + 1
There's only 2 h in the equation, so it's 2 X
And because H2 loses one electron, it's 1E-
SO 2 × 1E - is equal to 2 × E-
I can only explain it in this way, and there will be mistakes. Ha ha, if you don't understand, just ask again,
I'm not very good at chemistry. I'll talk more when I have time

In the chemical redox reaction equation, how to use the single line bridge method or the double line bridge method to express? How to calculate the number of gain and loss electrons?

In the single wire bridge method, the wire bridge starts from the reducing agent and points to the oxidant. The total number of electrons obtained or lost is marked on the wire bridge, but not obtained or lost. It indicates the direction of electron transfer, that is, the direction of the arrow is the direction of electron transfer
In the double bridge method, the reducing agent corresponds to the oxidation product, the number of electrons lost, the oxidant corresponds to the reduction product, and the number of electrons obtained. It represents the result of gain and loss of electrons, that is, the result of loss of electrons by the reducing agent is transformed into the oxidation product, and the result of gain of electrons by the oxidant is transformed into the reduction product
To calculate the number of gain and loss electrons, we need to find the reductant and oxidant first. According to the equation, we can see how many atoms are oxidized and reduced. The number of oxidized atoms multiplied by the increased valence of oxidation is the number of transferred electrons