What is the minimum number of a certain number divided by 3 to 1, divided by 4 to 2, divided by 5 to 3, divided by 6 to 4?

What is the minimum number of a certain number divided by 3 to 1, divided by 4 to 2, divided by 5 to 3, divided by 6 to 4?

Because the least common multiple of 3, 4, 5 and 6 is 60, the minimum number is 60-2 = 58

102 + 101 = 201 move a number to make the formula true

The second power of 10 + 101 = 201

102 + 101 = 201, the result remains the same. Move a number between 102 and 101 to make the formula hold


102 + 1 = 101 move only one number to make the above formula true
Only move one number, can't exchange position!

Move 2 up to 10 ^ 2 + 1 = 101