101-102 = how to move one digit?

101-102 = how to move one digit?

Move 2 to the upper right corner

What if you want 101-102 = 1 and only move one digit

Move 2 up a little bit to make 101 minus the square of 10 equals 1
The square of 10 is 100
So: 101-100 = 1

How does one minus 102 move one digit on one side to make the result equal to one

Maybe you missed some numbers
The original question is 101-102 = 1
It was in the reader
Move 2 to the power of 10

How can master 101-102 equal to 1? Only one stroke is required. The number can't be changed. The result can't be changed

Take one of the "-" in the equal sign and put it under the minus sign
Only one stroke