Which groups are coprime numbers 6 and 8.4 and 6.10 and 15.15 and 6.12 and 18? If not, what is the least common multiple of each group?

Which groups are coprime numbers 6 and 8.4 and 6.10 and 15.15 and 6.12 and 18? If not, what is the least common multiple of each group?

No, the least common multiple of each group is as follows: 6 and 8 (24) 4 and 6 (12) 10 and 15 (30) 15 and 6 (30) 12 and 18 (36)

Find coprime numbers: 10 and 21, 5 and 15, 11 and 33, 18 and 21, which one is a coprime number?

10 and 21
5 and 15: common divisor 5
11 and 33: common divisor 11
18 and 21: common divisor 3
In addition to 1, there is no common divisor called coprime number

Indicate which of the following groups of numbers are coprime numbers 3 and 56 and 814 and 1511 and 44

3 and 5

The two numbers in group () below are coprime numbers, and they are all composite numbers. A6 and 21b9 and 4C8 and 24

The two numbers in group (B 9 and 4) below are coprime numbers, and they are composite numbers
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