A minimalist fraction reduces its numerator by two times and its denominator by three times. It can be reduced to one seventh. The original fraction is ()

A minimalist fraction reduces its numerator by two times and its denominator by three times. It can be reduced to one seventh. The original fraction is ()


Three seventh of a meter is as long as one seventh of three meters, isn't it

1 meter is divided into 7 parts, about 14.3 cm, 14.3 cm * 3 = 42.9 cm
Three meters divided into seven parts, about 42.9 cm, so it's the same

Why is three seventh of one meter equal to one seventh of three meters?

Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

How many meters is five seventh of a meter? How many meters is one seventh of five meters?

1×5/7=5/7=0.714 5×1/7=5/7=0.714