1. One and five eighths of the fractional unit is () it has () such units, plus () is 3? 2. Two and three fourths of the fractional unit Yes, it has () such units, plus () such units is the minimum sum

1. One and five eighths of the fractional unit is () it has () such units, plus () is 3? 2. Two and three fourths of the fractional unit Yes, it has () such units, plus () such units is the minimum sum

One and five eighths of a fractional unit is one eighth. It has thirteen such units and eleven such units are three. If you add nineteen such units, it is the smallest sum
The unit of two and three fourths is one fourth

A fraction, if you add one of its fractional units, the sum is 1, if you subtract one fractional unit, the difference is one seventh, what is the fraction?

Four out of seven

1. 432 minus at least a few is a multiple of 7. 2, 2 and 4 / 7 fractional units are one seventh. There are 18 such fractional units in it, plus
A few of these fractional units are equal to 5; minus a few of these fractional units is 1?
3. In the donation activities, Xiaogang donated one fifth of his own money, and Xiaoqiang donated two thirds of his own money. Who donated more, Xiaogang or Xiaoqiang?
4. Calculate a + 4.7 + A * 6.3-a
5. Solving equation 7a + 3 * 4 = 12a-6

1. Divide 432 by 7, and the remainder is the number to be subtracted
2. 2 + 4 / 7 = 18 / 7.5 = 35 / 7, 1 = 7 / 7. Calculate the rest by yourself
3. It's hard to say who has more. If Xiaogang has 10000 yuan and Xiaoqiang has 1 yuan, Xiaogang has more; if not, Xiaoqiang has more