8 out of 9 divided by 2, 8 out of 9 divided by 4, 8 out of 9 divided by 8, 2 out of 15 divided by 1, 5 out of 7 divided by 5, 6 out of 11 divided by 3, 21 out of 15 divided by 14

8 out of 9 divided by 2, 8 out of 9 divided by 4, 8 out of 9 divided by 8, 2 out of 15 divided by 1, 5 out of 7 divided by 5, 6 out of 11 divided by 3, 21 out of 15 divided by 14


It's 11 out of 14 and 9 out of 20, 4 out of 15 and 1 out of 3

11 out of 14 and 9 out of 20
Because the least common multiple of 14 and 20 is 140
So: 11 / 14:110 / 140
4 out of 15 and 1 out of 3
Because the least common multiple of 15 and 3 is 15
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16 / 9 - (7 / 9 + 6 / 13)
Simple operation

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16 / 9 - (7 / 9 + 6 / 13)
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8 / 15 × [5 / 6 ÷ [7 / 9-1 / 3]]
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8 / 15 × [5 / 6 ÷ [7 / 9-1 / 3]]
=8 / 15 × (5 / 6 ÷ 4 / 9)
=8 / 15 × 15 / 8
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