1 / 4, 5 / 12, 7.9 / 36 Come on! Hold your fist

1 / 4, 5 / 12, 7.9 / 36 Come on! Hold your fist

All denominators are divided into 36, how to be 9 / 36, 15 / 36, 7 / 36, 8 / 36; how to be 5 / 12 > 1 / 4 > 2 / 9 > 7 / 36

Four out of three, five out of twenty-three, one out of eight, five out of six, eleven out of nine, thirty-six, from small to large! Quick!
They are arranged from small to large,

Four out of seven and five out of eight, six out of eleven, thirty-nine out of thirty-six and twenty-three out of five

What is the nth number of 4 / 1, 9 / 3, 16 / 5, 25 / 7, 36 / 9?

Above is the square of (n + 1), below is 2N-1, so it is (n + 1) ^ 2 / (2n-1) .25.36.49()

Question 1: 21 34
Question 2: 64 81