How to solve the problem of N + 1 power of 18x - n power of 24x - n-1 power of 12x?

How to solve the problem of N + 1 power of 18x - n power of 24x - n-1 power of 12x?

The N + 1 power of 18x - the n power of 24x - the N-1 power of 12x = the N-1 power of 6x (the square of 3x - 4x-2)

The result is: (1) (x + 1) "2" - 2 (x + 1) + 0
Factorization: (2) (x + 1) (x-1) = 0
How to decompose (1) into (2)? - "2" is the square!


The sales volume of a shopping mall in January this year was 1 million yuan, and the sales volume in February decreased by 10%. The shopping mall took measures and management, which greatly increased the monthly sales volume. The sales volume in April reached 1.296 million yuan, and the average monthly sales volume growth percentage in March and April was calculated

Suppose that the percentage of average monthly sales growth in March and April is x.100 (1-10%) (1 + x) 2 = 129.6, 1 + x = ± 65x = 15 = 20% or x = - 115 (negative rounding). A: the percentage of average monthly sales growth in March and April is 20%

A farm planted 10 mu of pumpkin last year, and the yield per mu was 2000 kg. According to the market demand, this year, the farm expanded the planting area, and planted all high-yield new varieties of pumpkin. It is known that the growth rate of pumpkin planting area is twice that of the yield per mu. This year, the total yield of pumpkin is 60000 kg, and the growth rate of pumpkin yield per mu is calculated

Suppose the growth rate of pumpkin yield per mu is x, then the growth rate of planting area is 2x. According to the meaning of the question, we get 10 (1 + 2x) · 2000 (1 + x) = 60000. The solution is: X1 = 0.5, X2 = - 2 (not the meaning, rounding off). Answer: the growth rate of pumpkin yield per mu is 50%