Simple calculation of 72.6 divided by 1.25 divided by 8

Simple calculation of 72.6 divided by 1.25 divided by 8


Who can tell me the law of simple calculation in primary school
Who can tell me all the simple calculation laws I learned in primary school, such as the combination rate of addition and the distribution law of multiplication

Addition, multiplication, commutative law, associative law, distributive rate
These are all in the book

Use the law of operation to simplify the calculation
&26 * 25: 138: 7-15: 7 * 8: 7

13 / 26 * 25
=1 and 13 / 25
7 / 8-7 / 15 * 7 / 8

What law should be used to calculate 78x99 + 78? Why?
1. The law of combination of multiplication; 2. The law of distribution of multiplication

The law of multiplicative distribution
The distribution law of multiplication: a (B + C) = AB + AC
A = 78, B = 99, C = 1
That is 78 × 99 + 78
Note: the law of combination of multiplication: (a × b) × C = a × (B × C) has nothing to do with this problem