In the formula of a * b * AB = BBB, A. B means two different numbers, AB is two digits, BBB is three digits, then a =, B =

In the formula of a * b * AB = BBB, A. B means two different numbers, AB is two digits, BBB is three digits, then a =, B =

So a * AB = BBB / b = 111
111 = 3 * 37, no other decomposition can be done
So a * AB = 3 * 37
So a = 3, B = 7

A multiplied by B multiplied by ab equals BBB, where a / B represents two different one digit numbers, then how much is a and how much is B

BBB is a multiple of 3, which can also be reduced to 111 * m = 3 * 37 * m, so m = 7

A × B × AB = BBB what are the numbers a and B?
(where AB stands for ten digit a, and the individual digit is two digits of B, BBB stands for hundred digit, ten digit, and the individual digit is three digits of B)
That is, a and B represent a number, AB represents ten digits, BBB represents hundred digits, such as 111.

So a * AB = BBB / b = 111
111 = 3 * 37, no other decomposition can be done
So a * AB = 3 * 37
So a = 3, B = 7