It is known that a × B × AB / = BBB /, where a and B are numbers from 1 to 9, AB / means that the individual digit is B, the ten digit is two digits of a, BBB / means that the individual digit, the ten digit and the hundred digit are three digits of B, then a = (), B = ()

It is known that a × B × AB / = BBB /, where a and B are numbers from 1 to 9, AB / means that the individual digit is B, the ten digit is two digits of a, BBB / means that the individual digit, the ten digit and the hundred digit are three digits of B, then a = (), B = ()


How can we not calculate and judge which one is greater, 123456 times 9876 or 123455 times 9877, and explain the reason

123455 times 9877
One is 123455 more
One is 9876 more
123455 > 9876
So 123455 times 9877

How to calculate 123456 times 654321

There's no way to simplify it. If it's a blank, just take it
Multiple choice questions look at the difference between options, such as mantissa, mantissa of product = 1 * 6 = 6
The last two digits = 56 * 21 = 1176, that is 76

What is the sum of 123456?
