There are seven numbers, which are arranged from left to right in the order of small to large. The sum of these seven numbers is 258.6, of which the average of the first four numbers is 58.5, and the last four numbers are 58.5 The average is 18.4. What's the median of this set of data?

There are seven numbers, which are arranged from left to right in the order of small to large. The sum of these seven numbers is 258.6, of which the average of the first four numbers is 58.5, and the last four numbers are 58.5 The average is 18.4. What's the median of this set of data?

Add the median twice, and the sum is (58.5 + 18.4) * 4 = 307.6
Median: 307.6-258.6 = 49

Nine palace grid with the number 1 ~ 9 to solve 81 Palace, the following is the picture, very urgent

The answer is shown in the picture

Fill in the 81 palaces with the numbers 1-9. The following is figure 7-3-6 5 13-1-4 5 7-6-1 4-
The following is the figure 7-3-6-5-1-3-1-4-5-7-6-1-4-4-3-2-1-6-8-4-4-9-8-7-5

728 439 651
396 215 874
145 786 923
867 351 492
439 827 516
251 694 387
573 962 148
612 548 739
984 173 265