The nine palace grid uses the numbers 1 to 9 to solve the 81 Palace. Here is a picture Please boss. I'm dizzy If there's a solution, Of course, the following must be solved first! Please arrange it according to my number. It's 81 palaces in total! The one with large space spacing is one grid, with a total of 9 grids and 81 palaces! (all numbers 1-9) It's all connected! Not just one of them! 1*3 *** 6** **5 *3* *** *** *49 *35 3** 4** 8** *** 8** **3 7*9 **2 **1 *** *** 9** 8*7 9** **2 9** 7*5 *1* Please calculate according to my above arrangement! Maybe my arrangement is not good enough. But I'm still bothering you! The three separated paragraphs should all be connected!

The nine palace grid uses the numbers 1 to 9 to solve the 81 Palace. Here is a picture Please boss. I'm dizzy If there's a solution, Of course, the following must be solved first! Please arrange it according to my number. It's 81 palaces in total! The one with large space spacing is one grid, with a total of 9 grids and 81 palaces! (all numbers 1-9) It's all connected! Not just one of them! 1*3 *** 6** **5 *3* *** *** *49 *35 3** 4** 8** *** 8** **3 7*9 **2 **1 *** *** 9** 8*7 9** **2 9** 7*5 *1* Please calculate according to my above arrangement! Maybe my arrangement is not good enough. But I'm still bothering you! The three separated paragraphs should all be connected!

8 7 4 9 3 5 6 2 1
1 3 5 6 8 2 9 7 4
6 9 2 1 4 7 8 3 5
2 1 6 7 5 4 3 8 9
3 4 9 8 6 1 2 5 7
7 5 8 2 9 3 4 1 6
4 6 7 5 2 8 1 9 3
5 8 3 4 1 9 7 6 2
9 2 1 3 7 6 5 4 8

Nine palace grid, with the number 1 ~ 9 to fill in 81 Palace, vertical and horizontal do not repeat, the following is the picture

nine hundred and forty-three million six hundred and eighty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-five
six hundred and seventy-five million four hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and eighty-three
one hundred and fifty-four million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six
three hundred and sixty-nine million eight hundred and forty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-one
two hundred and eighty-seven million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-four
five hundred and twenty-one million nine hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred and sixty-eight
four hundred and thirty-eight million five hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and seventeen
seven hundred and ninety-six million three hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty-two
reference resources

***357*** **68*97** 7***1***4 2935 6***7***8

142 357 689
536 849 712
789 612 354
295 431 867
863 725 491
471 968 235
654 173 928
917 286 543
328 594 176

Solve a Sudoku Jiugongge problem
? ? ? 8 ? 2 ?
6 ? 7 ? ? ? ?
? ? ? 7 5 2 ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? 6 ? ? ? 9 ? 4
5 ? 3 ? ? ? ? ? ?
? 1 ? 5 ? ? ? 7 2
? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 9
? 9 2 ? ? ? ? ? ?
The requirements are;
Please write a number from 1 to 9 in the other cells so that the 9 numbers in each row, column and diagonal are not repeated

As follows:
154 986 237
627 314 598
839 752 146
981 645 723
276 138 954
543 297 861
318 569 472
765 421 389
492 873 615